Category Archives: Miscellaneous


Father’s Day is June 21, 2015!

Here’s a fun song for Father’s Day! Get your creative juices flowing! Use with the letters on poster boards to spell out DADDY or make into a skit!

If you have an over-abundance of kids, you can use additional words on poster board with the kids saying the words while the music plays. (For example: Diligent, Awesome, Debonair, Dedicated, Young at Heart) You get the idea!

Benefits of Listening to Gospel Music

The definition of Gospel is “good news” so it is only natural that Christian and Gospel music contains the good news of Jesus Christ!

So what are the benefits of listening to Christian and Gospel music versus listening to secular music? The Bible says in Philippians 4:8  “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Good Gospel music is still abundantly available for our listening pleasure today—these are songs which will encourage, lift us up and testify what God has done and what He can do. Non-Christian music truly does affect our relationship with the Lord!  While not all non-Christian music is bad or sends a negative or evil message ask yourself if you as a Christian would to play that song if the Lord was physically in the room with you.  Probably not—even if it isn’t bad!

Why?  Because a true Christian knows deep inside that if something doesn’t glorify God, it probably does not please Him. With songs of hope and promise available why would a Christian who loves the Lord choose to listen to songs that drag us down emotionally and spiritually? There is an old joke about what you get when you play secular country music backwards.  You get your wife back; you get your dog back.  Why would anyone choose to listen to junk that promotes finding peace in a bottle of alcohol or talks about cheating on your spouse. What kinds of Gospel music do we listen to and sing?   There are horizontal songs which testify to others about God’s goodness and what He can do.  Then there are vertical songs which we sing as praise directly to the Lord.   It doesn’t matter whether the song is old school or new  if it has the Gospel message!

Lift Up the Name of Jesus Songs that lift up the name of Jesus Christ affect the lives of everyone you meet.  Jesus said “if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me.”  (John 12:32)  Listen to music that lifts Jesus up!

Scripture Songs Scripture songs which “bless the Lord” and “exalt” God’s greatness can stir your heart and bring revival!  Listen to Scripture songs because Scripture is anointed!

Hope and Victory More than ever, in today’s world, people need hope!  We must know in our heart that Jesus is the Answer and that it’s possible to live victoriously in Jesus Christ!

The Blood of Jesus Songs about the blood brings great conviction and excitement and reminds us how Jesus shed His blood on Calvary to redeem us!  This is the central foundation of our salvation!

Good Sound Doctrine Make sure the songs you sing reflect good SOUND DOCTRINE!  When in doubt—don’t! You’ve heard the old saying “You are what you eat!”  In today’s world we need to “digest” and hide as much of God’s Word in our hearts as we can!!!

Welcome to Melody Lines!

Hi!  Welcome to the Melody Lines Music Blog!  My name is Pam Rentzel and I’ve been a Pentecostal Musician for more years than many of you have been alive!  I guess you could call me “Old School.” 
About 20 years ago, I started a newsletter called “Melody Lines” written especially for musicians who minister by playing piano, organ or keyboard in Pentecostal churches.  In 1999 we launched our first website dedicated to Pentecostal Musicians at  Our on-line Newsletter was also called “Melody Lines” and discussed subjects pertinent to being a successful Pentecostal Musician. 

With the advent of social media tools, we have decided to do a Pentecostal Musicians Facebook page and blog!   If you are interested in being part of this music group on Facebook, please click on Play This–Not That!”  and send a request to be added.

Even though styles and the flavors of music change with every decade (or more often), the basics of playing music which lifts up Jesus, ministers to the church family and touches the hearts of the unsaved  remains the same. 

This is a new adventure so we need YOUR feedback!  You will find downloadable music lead sheets available and in the near future, we plan to have short downloadable video tutorials.  If you see something that does not seem to be working correctly or if you place an order and do not receive your purchased item,  it is imperative that you let us know!

The purpose of this blog is to promote interaction, encouragement and inspiration among fellow Pentecostal Musicians.  We invite you to participate with your uplifting comments, music-related testimonies, and pertinent questions or by suggesting subjects for discussion.  Please NOTE:  Your first comment must be approved before being posted.  Thereafter, all comments are moderated for appropriateness and may be removed.  Be courteous and respectful to all readers and commenters. 

Thank you for your ministry!!!