Are You a “Dependable”?

What does it mean to be dependable?  To be reliable, trustworthy, loyal and dedicated!  God is looking for dependable and faithful people.

D – Dedicated to a purpose
What is your purpose?  Do you live to fulfill our purpose?
Always REMEMBER your purpose!

E – Encouraging to those less skilled
Even the man with the one talent could have doubled his talent if he
had not buried it in the ground!  Always be an encourager!

P – Patient and consistent
Stop looking for instant gratification; just keep plugging on toward your goal!

E – Eager to participate
Don’t wait to be begged before you become involved!
Be willing to contribute your reasonable service!

N – Noteworthy and significant to the cause of Christ
You may feel unworthy, but it is only what you do for Christ that will last!

D – Determined to reach your goal
Like the old song “I intend to reach the goal
that’s why I started!”

A – Authentic with no hidden agendas
Remember—whatever you do is not about you but for the glory of the Lord!  Be real!

B – Blessed to be a blessing
If you have been blessed, pay it forward by becoming a blessing to others!

L – Loyal to God and His Work
Being true to God and His people and Kingdom is rewarding!

E – Enthusiastic and ready to follow-through!
Don’t start out with a bang only to burn out within a few weeks!

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